Scandal: Episode 1 Recap 9.24.15

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scandal recap


Olivia is back y’all.

Fitz finally gave Millie the old heave ho out of the White House. The dream of Vermont has been thrust into the White House completely rewriting the “no scandal allowed” policy.

This first episode takes off in typical Olivia stuck on Fitz like glue fashion but that is almost instantaneously disrupted by the motor vehicle death of Princess Emily. I automatically became suspicious of Prince Richards, the husband of Princess Emily, and his mother who is the Queen. Olivia cleverly forced the hand of the media with a power play of creating images more worthy of front page news than the morbid photos of her dead body.

After Quinn’s close examination she is beginning to put the pieces of this crazed puzzle together and has already come to understand that Princess Emily’s death was not caused by a freak accident, it was an intentional murder. The obvious question has to be asked, why would anyone want to murder Princess Emily?

In the mean time in between time Millie is clamoring to save face in the public eye since she got the boot from The White House. She is pushing buttons to get Fitz to stand by her side when she is sworn in as a Senator. Olivia kicks him in the ass reminding him that he needs to show up for Millie because she had done an endless list of things for him that she didn’t want to do in the public eye to support him.

Right as she finishes her speech to reconcile with Fitz he blindsides her by serving her divorce papers. WHAT? Didn’t see that coming so soon now did you? I sure didn’t. Fitz is getting really ballsy this season and its only episode 1 y’all! When Fitz tells Olivia he has filed for divorce and aggressively moving ahead she seems shocked. You would think that she would be elated seeing everything that they had been through in the past. Something smells fishy with this.

Skip back over to Princess Emily. Quinn and Olivia have now connected another piece onto the puzzle by discovering that Princess Emily was having an affair with her bodyguard. When Olivia approaches Fitz with the action plan to publicly charge Prince Richards with ordering the assassination of his wife he shuts her down quick. I knew something was off with his reaction to the murder of his wife and his mom’s disposition was cold. I get that they are British but their still people with emotions.

We are briefly reintroduced to Cyrus the former White Chief of Staff when Millie pops up on his door step. She thinks that Cy has a magic pill that he can give Fitz but Cy is adamant that he is not fooling with Fitz, Millie, or the White House anymore.

Olivia soon puts two and two together that it was the Queen of Caledonia who had Princess Emily murdered. Princess Emily was murdered because she was indeed having an affair and was PREGGERS for her side piece bodyguard. I guess ol’ boy was securing way more than he was intended to. Talk about going above and beyond in the call of duty. Olivia is shut down by the queen’s reiterating that she did signed a disclosure agreement but in her normal fashion she wiggles around it. In a moment of clarity she finds a way to expose the queen and get justice for the death of Princess Emily.

She informs Prince Richards of the despicable things his mother did. Olivia arrives to the deportation ceremony of Princess Emily with Prince Richards. The Queen is informed by her son that not only does he know of all of her dirty secrets of assassinating his wife but that she will step down from the thrown allowing him to take over and the next time that he will lay eyes on her will be at her funeral. HA! Checkmate b-i!!!

Fitz had the same uneasy feeling that I had about Olivia. He could sense that for whatever reason she is uneasy with his hasty plans of divorcing Millie. After a long speech of public exposure being the likely demise of their torrid romance she basically tells him to just slow everything down. As soon as they come to the agreement to slow down and hold off on going public with their affair turned relationship that wicked witch from the republican holy rolling west exposes their scandalous White House relationship.

Olivia and Fitz always come with the drama, don’t they? Lets see what shall happen next Thursday! Come on Mrs. Rhimes we are ready!
